Hi, I'm Janet Beckers!

I absolutely LOVE the work I do. That's because I work with people who are really good at what they do. Give them the right client and they will change their lives with their expertise and unique life experience! If you're here you're probably one of these clever people (even if you don't recognise it yet).
I've discovered my passion and talent is helping these brilliant people connect with the people who need them. In fact I help them tap into what makes them uniquely irresistible and attract a tribe of dream clients internationally so they can make an impact with their own online courses and high-end programs.
Oh and help them make a shit-load of money along the way :)
Like most of my clients, this journey has not been a straight line yet could not have prepared me better for what I do. Here's a quick  glimpse into my story...
Finding Your Purpose Is Rarely a Straight Line
Like a lot of entrepreneurs I've had numerous careers. I've massaged tourists on the beach on a bikini to pay the rent when I spent all my money partying. I've worked as a Registered Nurse for a decade from Geriatric Care to Intensive Care. I've worked for years as a university lecturer in nursing and discovered my love of mentoring and teaching.

I've headed up Community Research and Action projects for public health in rural communities and found I had a skill identifying different sub communities, help them work together to create their own "tribe identity" and lead change in their community.

Through each of these chapters, I was drawn to each person's unique story and how we all crave to find our own tribe. 
I also discovered my entrepreneurial spirit would always struggle against the beaurocraciesI worked in and I needed to start my own business.
(Give me a high five if your inner  entrepreneur needs freedom to fly too).
A Great Idea 20 Years Too Soon!
I launched my first business in 2000 when my children were aged 2 and 3 and I thought an online art gallery was the perfect way to combine my love of art and make a bucket of money with this emerging internet thing.

It would have been a great idea NOW. But I was 20 years too early. Websites had to be made with code so were expensive, very few people even thought of buying art online and I knew nothing about running a business. I was the classic Star Gazer but without a mentor to guide me.

Despite the odds, I built up one of the largest online galleries in the world. I also lost every cent we owned trying to make it work. Eventually I attended my first marketing conference and discovered the concept of selling knowledge as information products (ebooks back then).

Wow! I realised this was so much easier than selling one-off expensive paintings so quickly sold my art gallery and spent the next 12 months immersing myself in every conference and ebook I could on this new way to run a business.
How Market Research In The Women's Toilets Lead To Success
It was at these internet Marketing conferences I found my purpose and the business that would change everything for me. Back in 2006 there were exceptionally few woman on stage and not many more visible online as online success stories. What if I could find these successful women and interview them? Was this a business that would work?

From my first business I knew the importance of deeply researching my target market and I knew exactly where to find them! Lined up at lunch time in the women's toilets at these conferences! I became known as "That women's toilet's woman" and spent month with an MP3 recorder interviewing women entrepreneurs. Eventually I knew their frustrations and dreams intimately and had absolute confidence my business would work. Plus I invested in mentors to help me (a big lesson from my first business).
I had progressed from Star Gazer to Star Blazer.
Within 8 weeks of launching...
  • I replaced my previous years income
  • Built a list of thousands
  • Had strangers in other countries offer me thousands to coach them (what is a coach I asked?)
  • Won an award for best membership site
  • Was invited to present at a business conference overseas
  • Discovered my purpose
Within Another Few Years...
  • Won Australian Marketer of The Year (which took my family on a luxury holiday to Thailand)
  • Became known as an international  and best selling author !
  • Interviewed a successful online business woman every week for 2 years, then every 2 weeks for another 2 years. (and people paid to listen in ! pre-podcasts of course)
  • Helped hundreds of women start new businesses and thousands more improve their existing businesses
Then... my beautiful clients started contacting me one-by-one with the same message "You are no longer just the passionate reporter, interviewing successful women. We see YOU as the "guru" now. We want you to teach us your systems. It's time for you to step up Janet and lead us!"
That's why I created Romance Your Tribe
That's why I created by Attract Your Tribe suite of online training programs. It started as a system I developed with one-on-one clients and my first VIP group coaching programs.

Now all the exercises, templates, spreadsheets and short cuts are available to members of my Attract Your Tribe Academy program. Members are guided step-by-step with video and audio classes, worksheets, action plans, LIVE group coaching and group support so they can implement at their own pace.

The system has been updated and streamlined every year and I know with absolute confidence if you follow the steps in order, you will create a tribe of dream clients online who love your brand and gladly pay what you are worth.

I do one thing (The Attract Your Tribe System) and I do it well because that is my purpose. If this resonates with you, then come join my tribe. I'm waiting for you :)
If We Shared a Margarita...
If we ever get a chance to meet in person, heads up, my favourite drink is a Margarita. If we share a few, here are a few things you'd learn about me.
  • I'm most happy when I'm in the water. Here are a few examples of what that looks like:
  • I live near the beach and love her changing moods
  • I kayak in the ocean. The first time I cried with fear. Now I'm circumnavigating Sydney Harbour, one cafe at a time, with my husband and adventurous friends.
  • I'm on a mission, with my husband to do laps in every ocean rock pool on the East Coast of Australia. We are ticking them off :)
  • I've spent years as a Surf Life Saver (you can tell by the photo I've included here, the year I stepped up as Patrol Captain, I took fun seriously.
  • I'm an artist. In fact everyone in our little family of 4 is an artist and if you visited my home you would see easels in the kitchen, art works in progress on the dining table and every wall displaying gorgeous paintings and sculptures.
  • If you look in the background of my videos you will see artworks by me and some I collaborate with my husband to create.
  • I'm the mother of 2 quirky adult children and a wonderful man (Doug Beckers) I have been in love with since our first kiss on April 25, 1984. You do the maths!
  • I'm a die-hard greenie and nature lover. After all I married an ecologist! You'll often find me hiking for days in wilderness areas, exploring canyons and wild swimming places and feeling right at home with hiking boots, a backpack, smelly clothes and a flask of Frangelico.
  • I used to walk with a walking stick and suffered for years from fatigue due to an auto-immune disease I developed after a year of living rough in South America. After being told I would have it for life I thought "stuff that", immersed myself in mastering the power of the sub conscious and "cured" myself. I have been symptom free for well over a decade.
  • I share mindset strategies in every module of my programs. I've experienced how powerful mindset is.
  • I adore children and dogs. My favourite is Leonardo di Puplio, my ageing Spoodle who sits at my feet while I work and occasionally does a cameo in my videos.
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