So we attract a tribe who treat each other with kindness and will never tolerate hate, bigotry or nastiness.
We BELIEVE you cannot create a successful business on your own
So we create a place online for our tribe to hang out to support and encourage each other and help our clients create a team of people to help them grow their business.
We BELIEVE there is always a SOLUTION
So we never use "I don't know how" as a reason to quit and find ways to solve problems for our clients too.
We BELIEVE the best way we can make a difference in the world is to help people who help people to help more people
So we help coaches and consultants, who are great at what they do, get known worldwide and create group programs so they can help far more people than they could ever do working one-on-one.
We BELIEVE every client has something very unique and special about them (even if they can't see it themselves) and it is our job to help them see and share it
So we design our programs to help them explore their uniqueness and to feel pride and confidence in who they are.
We BELIEVE people who sit on the fence, get splinters in their bum
So we help our clients stand for what they believe.
We BELIEVE in the power of feeling SCARECITED
That feeling you get when you are stepping out of your comfort zone, you are scared but feel the buzz of opportunity and excitement. So we aim to feel scarecited every day and help our clients find that magic place too.
in getting stuff done
but only the stuff that is important.
So we help our clients make wise choices
and find practical ways to help them get stuff
done with ease and speed.
We BELIEVE in excellence
but not perfection
So we aim to continually improve the quality of our products and services and accept perfection is always a moving target.
So we do what we say we will do and always take responsibility for our decisions and mistakes.
We BELIEVE your business
should NEVER be the most important thing in your life
So we help our clients design a business that gives them joy,
flexibility to be with the people they love and do the things they enjoy
so their business strengthens their relationships instead of destroying them.
We BELIEVE that everyone does NOT have the capacity to build a successful business.
Business is not easy. It takes strategy, true grit, continual mindset development and work. We DO believe everyone has the potential to create a great business and so we design our programs to build the capacity (both tactically and psychologically) of our clients so they can tap into their potential.
We BELIEVE money can make a huge difference in the world
So we proudly sell and focus on building a profitable business and help our clients to do the same. We can then help others less fortunate than ourselves by supporting charities that focus on education and entrepreneurship in poor communities.
We BELIEVE in celebrating the small steps as well as the big wins
So we build celebration into all our programs and publicly shine the light on action takers in our business tribe.
We BELIEVE business
should be a fun adventure
So we approach marketing with a sense of curiosity and relish in the personal growth that comes from growing a business with all its highs and lows. We vow never to take ourselves too seriously.