Janet Loves To Speak!
One of my favourite things to do is talk! Yep just try and shut me up :)

Even better is seeing and hearing the "Ah Ha's" and breakthroughs delegates and listeners get when I share action-focused lessons and inspiring stories.
Below you'll find details on who my perfect audience is, topics I speak on and how I help make working with me easy and how I help you to promote. 
Let's Get This Party Started
First step is to tell me about your speaking gig. I'll need to know who you are, the format (podcast, summit, offline gig), your audience and why you think I'd be a great fit.

My team will pass on the details to me and then I'll get back to you.
Are We a Good Match?
The perfect audience for my presentations are service-based business owners. So they could be coaches, consultants, speakers, authors and practitioners.

I mostly work with women. I certainly work with some awesome men but my audience is probably 80% women.
I especially resonate with people who are in some kind of healing profession. Even though I rarely talk about my background in nursing, nurse education and public health (it seems so long ago),  there is something about my energy and the way I structure my teaching that seems to really resonate with healers of all kinds!

This means I have lots of client stories of people in the health, personal development and personal coaching fields.
Importantly, no matter WHAT niche your audience is, there are 3 things they need to have to make us a perfect match:

1. They are motivated to make a difference to the people they work with. This means they care.


2. They are focused on building their business and especially keen to create group programs and courses so they sell world-wide online (and free up their time from one-to-one).


3. They will laugh at my jokes :)

How I Make It Easy
Hey I produce a podcast myself, have run offline events with guest speakers and have hosted large summits.
I know how to make it easier for you.
So If we're a good match, this is how I help you:
  • My team will send you everything you need to prepare and promote.
    So that means our Speaker kit with all the bios, talking points, contact details and photos you will need. No dragging information from me like you're pulling teeth!
  • I have talking points but I listen! This means I adapt the stories I tell to your specific audience. If we are doing a podcast I want to make it fun and share stories people may not hear when I am interviewed on another podcast.

    James Schramko put it perfectly when he exclaimed part way through our interview on Super Fast Business Podcast. "You're what I call a self-saucing pudding". Kinda weird but he explained it this way "..this is a podcaster's dream. I can tell you've got that background in doing podcast, before podcasts were a thing."

  • I will promote our gig for you.
    When our podcast or summit or offline gig is live, I will promote via my Instagram, Facebook and Linked In Feed. I know how grateful I am when my guest speakers promote for me so I set the example and do this for you too.
    PLUS I will list you on my media page on this website with links to your podcast so you will have lovely backlinks working for you for years to come.
Topic Ideas
  • The 5 (and a half) Steps To Attract Your Tribe Of Profitable Clients Online: 
    Charge What You Are Worth, And Step Up With Confidence.
  • Renovate or Detonate Your Business?
    Why I chose to shut down my multi-award winning membership site after TEN YEARS of success, and how that allowed me to THRIVE even more!  The 4 signs you need to RENOVATE OR DETONATE your own business to thrive in the changed marketplace of 2021 and beyond.
  • The Profit in YOU.
    "Identify The #1 Thing That Makes You Stand Out in a Sea of People Online" And Attract A Tribe of Clients Who LOVE What You Do
  • The Profitable Avatar Quadrant
    Identify The 4 "Dream Client Types" Unique To Your Business.... And confidently know which 2 are the most profitable.
  • Attract Your Tribe of Dream Clients With the "Me TV" Video Strategy?
    How to attract a tribe of dream clients with the simple "Me TV" video strategy that build trust and make them say "it's like you can read my mind".
    Includes the exact steps to create and automate 3 months of trust building, profitable videos in less than half a day.